ruled quadric câu
Similarly, quadratic polynomials with three or more variables correspond to quadric surfaces and hypersurfaces.Tương tự như vậy, đa thứ...

And since we've ruled out infections and toxinsVà vì chúng ta đã loại trừ chất độc và nhiễm trùng A man isn't ruled by the heavens.Mộ...

quadric surface
Kasner's PhD dissertation was titled The Invariant Theory of the Inversion Group: Geometry upon a Quadric Surface; it was published by ...

be ruled by someone
For the first time in 60 years, Cuba will be ruled by someone outside of the Castro family.Lần đầu tiên trong suốt 6 thập niên qua, Cub...

ruled paper
If they give you a ruled paper, write the other way.Nếu bạn được đưa giấy có dòng kẻ, hãy viết bằng mặt còn lại. If they give you rule...

ruled surface
It is also a ruled surface.Nó cũng là một bề mặt cai trị.